Sunday, September 14, 2014


 I met a lovely elderly women in the clinic today. She was charming to say the least. I was lucky I got to spend extra time with her as the real doctor was called for another consult. I was his nurse( taking the vitals, calculating BMI, and drawing blood) plus do the physical  exam.  As a reward he taught me a couple of things.
As she left, she looked me in the eyes and said : thank you child.

Then she opened her handbag and gave me a candy.  - and had to give the doctor too because he was feeling jealous😝-

That was the most sincere thank you I had ever received.
Moments like this, keep us going

P.S. Do you think it is okay to hug patient? I was like : aww you are so sweet,  can you be my grandma. 😁

Oh , and my answer would be no.

 8 hours later: I am still smiling

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Grammer, spelling and their other siblings

Oh dear lord, I read some of my posts here and I feel irritated by the quality of  my writing. I want to apologize for any potential reader. I am too lazy to fix the tons if mistakes I found, and obviously can't commit myself to proof reading in the future. ( me being on energy saving mode and stuff ).

So, if you are feeling an itch because of the quality of my English .. Idk maybe do scratch yourself that'll distract you? Just know I am thankful you are giving me from your precious time. Thank you :) and I mean it.

The lab week revision: nailed it. One day was more than enough. But to no one surprise the questions was not related to what we did! I don't know people I only know one equation to calculate positive predictive value, and there are programs  to calculate it. So no need to twist the question you know. Oh and yes that was totally unrelated to what we did this week.

Oh and someone proposed; to marry me!
Idk people. Everyone keep pushing and express their concern over my singleness. I don't know the man, never heard of him or his tribe. Do you remember the movies where ladies wear big seemingly very heavy dresses that they drag? -19 century - and they talk about arranged marriages? Will technically we are still stuck in that era. And that is how marriages happen in my part of the world.  Anyway, my reaction to previous proposals was no brainer: not ready yet. But now, with all my friends married and settled and busy and having kids- do I need to go on?- I feel old. Mostly alone, but old. So I am considering the offer.

10 years earlier I would laugh at the idea of me getting married the traditional way. Whom I kidding I would laugh at the idea of me getting married.
But things changed. Or maybe that is Nutella withdrawal symptoms!

Starting Family medicine next week. Not so enthusiastic, I feel I'll do better sleeping. But again, that might be the Nutella withdrawal. Oh and I am meeting old friends next week.

Oh people
How could my little sister do that to me? How could she finish the whole Nutella jar?

Monday, September 1, 2014

Making a problem out of nothing

Thanks to the curriculum changes in  my college we have frequent "lab weeks", we basically go over many aspect of the diagnostic tests and concepts in hematological, biochemical, molecular, genetics, etc

The thing is: I hate such weeks. I HATE them. They are a waste of our valuable time. We can spend these weeks attending clinics or being in the wards strengthening our clinical skills.

What makes matter worse is that they are stupidly designed: Let's teach those brats what waiting is (insert the evilest laugh). We have to be present from 8am to 4pm for a total teaching worth of 2 hours. I kid you not . ( mentally punching myself, I can't punch the consultant you, respect and stuff). Our day is a block of waiting.

My dilemma is: how to study lab things! I don’t know how I convinced myself non clinical stuff is to be read the night of the exam only. So here I am feeling guilty for not studying and unable to study not the least enjoy myself.

Many copies of the DNA are synthesized in
And not to feel guilty in involving you in my ranting, let's talk about PCR; polymerase chain reaction. (we had a session about it, AGAIN). This is a time saving technology where you amplify particular segment of the DNA( in case the mutation you are looking for is in the interon; aka non coding part of the DNA) or RNA( if the mutation is in the axon; the coding part of your DNA) , so you can examine it better for abnormalities. It can be used in many conditions, but its high cost narrow the list. One example is after bone marrow transplant. You want to know if the lymphocytes are of the donor or the patient himself (to check the success of the transplant for example). It also enable the early detection of leukemia and lymphomas.  
In this picture, amplified segments of DNA from both parents are used to confirm they are the  biological parents of their child. You know you get half the DNA from each parents, and this is  the simple idea behind the paternity test. In A no similarities between the dad's DNA and the son, so he is not the father. In B the child belong to this couple.