Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Here and there ( as opposed to "And Now and Here")

Today I met a very inspiring spine surgeon. His attitude to life, the way he communicated with patients and how he treated us, medical student...if only we can capture great moment and  re live them again.

Ortho last day tomorrow. I feel guilty for not reading the way I wanted. There are many topics and branches; it is crazy. At least I know the basics. I hope.

Evidence based medicine next week. Beside a presentation we are expected to analyze a study. I really pray that no more brain numbing presentations. Some people just ignore the fact thier colleagues may have  a soul. Why I am with the nerdest group. Oh yes because I maybe one!

In completely unrelated subject, I just ate a maltesers icecream for the first time ever. Did not know it is so yummy. Glad I am not to icecreams other wise I will be addicted.
O and I feel  I could use some shoping, just not in the mood.
Flatmate goodbye dinner tonight. She is paying. She is going abroad for a 2 month elective. The other flatmate which is in the same year as I am, and a distinction student by the way, is busy preparing for our end of year exam, helping preclerk students out and other stuff. How can someone be so active! I think I'll befriend the gym again!
Enjoy life people!

"And Now and Here" is a lovely collection of Osho talks. Any one interested email me I'll send a copy.

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