Sunday, December 1, 2013


My surgical placement is over. So is the passive aggressive attitude of surgeons.  We got to spend some time with anesthetist as well. Did a load of  intubations.  It is fascinating how people willingly put their lives ( literally) at stranger s' hands (C'mon your medical team is).

      At the induction of general anesthesia, you receive muscle relaxant that paralyzed all your skeletal muscles, including the diaphragm. You stop breathing for a while until the anesthetist intubate you and connect your lung to a machine that breath for you.  It is scary. Especially if you are the one who intubate.  Then what if you paralyzed the patient but the pain medication you gave is not sufficient, and he could feel the surgeon cutting his abdomen open and can't complain. Yes, the patient will be monitored. Any raise in his blood pressure or heart rate upon inducing a painful stimuli will be taken as a sign of pain & fast acting analgesic will be administered .  But the fear, of causing harm … at every stage of anesthesia. I can't help but admire those fighters, who in addition to their critical task, have to endure arrogant surgeons. 

It  made me think, about those who work sincerely and are sure the credits will go to someone else.
Oh anesthesia, I enjoyed you so much.
3 weeks to final.  A year and half work to be examined. Family medicine, pediatric, internal medicine, general surgery , ortho, anesthesia, genetic, microbiology, forensic, …. How to re read tons of information.

Can I sleep and woke up to find them over.

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