Saturday, March 7, 2015

But you'll be doctor!

I guess it is not uncommon for medical students to be approached by people asking about various medical (and non medical) things.
A number of times now people asked me if I can measure their BP to make sure they are fine. I guess that is a privilege and part of preventive medicine. The problem is I don't have symphengomanometer! And I am quite sure those particular individuals will not go to a health center to do so for various reasons. (Money included)

Anyway, I am planing to buy one and just curious if anyone has other suggestion to things I can keep. I mean gauze, antiseptic swap, bandages, paracetamol, antihistamine , burn cream what else ? Any suggestions

Oh and the chest infection seems to settle thankfully. I slept most of the day and I feel human again. If everything is good I'll start revising my surgical notes, write some reflections tomorrow morning and will have a chilling afternoon.  That or I'll over sleep again. 

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